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What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

Many people ask what is Reiki? It is a term derived from the Japanese words “rei” (meaning “universal”) and “ki” (meaning “life energy”), is a holistic healing technique that channels universal energy to promote balance, healing, and well-being. Rooted in ancient traditions but adapted and expanded upon in modern times, Reiki has grown in popularity as a complementary therapy to conventional medicine.

At its core, Reiki is based on the idea that an unseen life force energy flows through us. When one’s life force energy is low, they are more likely to get sick or feel stress. Conversely, when it’s high, they are more capable of being happy and healthy. Reiki practitioners use their hands, either by touching or hovering over the body, to channel energy. The goal is to correct any imbalances in the body, whether physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.

Different Kinds of Reiki

While the foundational principles remain consistent, various Reiki systems and traditions have emerged over time. Here’s a look at some of the most prominent ones:

Usui Reiki: Founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 20th century in Japan, this is the original form of Reiki from which most other styles have been derived. It emphasizes self-healing and spiritual growth, with practitioners undergoing a series of attunements to enhance their energy channeling abilities.

Karuna Reiki: Translating to “compassionate action,” Karuna Reiki is an evolved form of Usui Reiki. It introduces additional symbols and is often described as being more powerful or having a higher vibration.

Rainbow Reiki: Founded by Walter Lübeck, this form combines traditional Usui methods with other holistic practices, such as sound therapy, meditation, and crystal healing.

Kundalini Reiki: This method merges Reiki with the concepts of Kundalini energy (a dormant energy at the base of the spine). The aim is to rise this energy up through the body’s chakras, or energy centers, promoting a profound inner transformation.

Holy Fire Reiki: Introduced by the International Center for Reiki Training, Holy Fire Reiki focuses on purification, healing, empowerment, and guidance. It’s known for its gentle energy that continuously evolves.

Jikiden Reiki: This is a pure, undiluted form of Reiki that traces back directly to Dr. Usui’s original teachings. It emphasizes the traditional Japanese techniques without the influence of Western adaptations.

Crystal Reiki: As the name suggests, this form integrates the use of crystals with Reiki practices. Crystals are believed to amplify the healing energy channeled during sessions.

reiki definition. what is reiki?

Benefits of Energy Healing

Reiki offers:

Physical Healing: While Reiki should never replace conventional medical treatments, it can complement them. Many report accelerated healing, reduced pain, and improved symptoms of various ailments after Reiki sessions.

Mental and Emotional Balance: Reiki can help alleviate stress, anxiety, and depression. It promotes a sense of peace and well-being.

Spiritual Growth: Many practitioners and recipients of Reiki describe a deeper connection to their spirituality or a heightened sense of purpose.

Enhanced Self-awareness: Reiki can lead to better self-awareness, helping individuals understand their bodies, emotions, and reactions better.

Relaxation: A Reiki session can be deeply relaxing, helping to combat the stresses of daily life.

Reiki, in its many forms, offers a holistic approach to well-being, addressing the body, mind, and spirit. As with any alternative therapy, it’s essential to approach it with an open mind and consult with healthcare professionals to ensure it’s the right choice for individual needs. Whether seeking physical healing, emotional balance, or spiritual growth, Reiki holds the potential to enrich many lives.

Exploring Energy Neuroplasticity and Healing with Orion Mott

Exploring Energy Neuroplasticity and Healing with Orion Mott

In the newest edition of MysitcMag interviews, Orion Mott, a renowned trauma specialist and medical intuitive, shares his journey from a spiritually enriched childhood to becoming a leader in brain healing and intuitive practices. With roots in Zen teachings and martial arts, Orion’s path is marked by profound experiences and innovative techniques that continue to transform lives today.

What were your professional beginnings like, and how did you get into this line of work?

The story of how I became a trauma specialist, medical intuitive, and brain healer goes back to my roots. My father was a Zen teacher and martial arts master, so I naturally grew up in a spiritually minded household. Our karate school in Toronto’s Chinatown was called Cold Mountain School of Martial Arts and Healing Arts. I spent much of my formative years training in Karate, Chi-Kung, and Zen meditation. Before the internet, the only way to truly learn something new was by attending workshops. Our school hosted many masters in Aikido, shamanism, Chinese medicine, Eskrima Kali, Chi-Kung, and Kung-fu. As the host’s son, I was privy to many conversations about focus, intent, and seeing the “big picture” behind the techniques. It was always evident that many of these people could perform almost magical feats in their workshops using intent.

During high school, many people would come to me with their heartaches and issues. I always took the time to help them through their problems. My mother would joke that I was always chatting with “wounded birds.” The confidence I gained through tournament fighting and the big-hearted sensitivity I developed through healing techniques laid the foundation for the healer I would eventually become. After studying Kinesiology, I became a personal trainer at Mayfair West, which at the time was one of the best gyms in Toronto. Here, I became known for both my training techniques and healing skills. Around 2005, I began experimenting with deep trance states, and that’s when my ability to perform medical intuitive readings began. Looking back, it was more of a psychic reading, but when pressed, I could give some specifics about body imbalances.

My professional circle was initially limited to training clients and family friends. In 2015, I decided to open my practice to the world by building a website and offering healing sessions at a local health studio. I had a strong sense of confidence that came from some of my experiences as a healer. In 2007, I successfully healed a client with a concussion, and around 2014, I helped a woman with a severe mental disorder rebalance her head through her heart. To this day, she considers herself free from mental illness. These two events sparked the development of the Heart Clearing technique and Energy Neuroplasticity. Over the years, these two techniques have been refined into the methods I use today.

What does it mean to be a medical intuitive, and can you walk me through one of your medical intuitive readings?

In Canada, we call this technique “medical intuitive,” but in the United States, it is also called “Medical Mediumship.” Since mediumship also relates to connecting with loved ones who have passed on, the term “intuitive” is more specific.

A typical medical intuitive session begins with a bit of small talk with the client, either in person or online. I then bring myself into a light or deep trance channeling state, depending on the client’s needs. From there, I quietly repeat the client’s first name to connect with them. I start with the root chakra, which relates to personal tribal issues such as gender, culture, money, and self-worth. From here, I go through each organ one by one, providing a detailed description of what I find and how it relates to certain compartmentalized emotions. As the reading continues, I move on to the second chakra and work with the organs associated with this area. I point out areas of imbalance and challenges, but I do not diagnose anything. After each area of the body is read, I move through all 6 chakras and that organs that relate to them. Often, when the energy is rebalanced, diseases tend to resolve themselves. The body is designed to self-regulate. A session usually lasts between 45 minutes to 90 minutes. There are many ways to heal from each health issue that is found. This is where many of my other modalities are useful. Sometimes a BodyTalk technique or a Reiki technique is required. Other times channeling something specific about a missing piece of the puzzle in their life can have a profound effect. Our organs also have a personality that comes through in the readings.

What is Trance Channeling, and how does it work?

My first experiences with channeling happened when I was about six years old. Having been a medical miracle, surviving spinal meningitis at eighteen months old, I grew up with severe comprehension learning disorders. My intuitive development offset the shortcomings of my normal mental capacity. Intuitive abilities were like having an extra arm, and I didn’t think there was anything unusual about it. I would picture a powerful blue light above my head and open myself up to allow that light into my body. My voice would bellow a bit, like Darryl Anka’s Bashar entity. I remember being told often that I was too loud. I jokingly called this voice my “Boomer.” Years later, I professionally trained with a channeler to develop this ability to answer other people’s questions. It took awhile to turn down the volume of my higher self to make this cohesive enough not to disturb people in adjacent rooms. For me, channeling is connecting to my higher self, which is a multitude of conscious energies that can speak with a singular voice.

What other services do you offer?

In the professional athletic world, I am known for my ability to heal concussions. On average, I can get a person symptom-free from a single concussion event in about 2-3 weeks. In the spiritual counseling world, I work with anyone carrying emotional pain in their heart or body. Many of my consistent clients are professional energy healers who struggle with maintaining their own inner energetic balance. Sensitive people are like race cars – they require a whole team to keep them running properly. Although I do not necessarily advertise shamanism, I work with local First Nations families and tribes in helping individuals find their way. I have Iroquois ancestry in my family lineage, so I don’t feel out of place providing this service. I am deeply connected to the energies of the earth in Ontario.

What’s your favorite part of your profession?

I love the variety that each session brings. I might start the day helping someone let go of grief, and the next session might be with a young man dealing with issues of personal power in the workplace. I try to schedule concussion healing sessions toward the end of my day, as they are completely draining of my energy. Each person brings out a unique conversation and exploration. I enjoy my job so much that I don’t particularly like spending too much time away on vacation.


To learn more about Orion and his work, you can visit